Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

Malacological Society of London: 125th Anniversary Symposium – New perspectives on evolution in molluscs


Op 21 maart a.s. viert de Malacological Society of London het 125-jarig bestaan met een inhoudelijk interessant symposium. De titel van het symposium is New perspectives on evolution in molluscs: from fossils to next generation sequencing. Meer informatie over dit symposium vindt u hier.

Het symposium is openbaar en gratis. Of zoals de uitnodiging luidt: “You are warmly invited to attend this celebratory symposium to accompany the 125th Annual General Meeting of the Malacological Society of London, hosted by the Natural History Museum, London. The meeting will include talks from world-renowned experts in the field of malacology, covering aspects of molluscan evolution and life histories ranging from pharmacology, palaeontology and chemosymbiosis to larval development and shell structure. Focused on the phylum Mollusca, these talks will be of interest to evolutionary biologists, biogeographers, marine biologists and palaeontologists. The meeting is free to attend but registration is necessary. <…>.”

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