Subscription as a member

Membership fees

The NMV publishes 3 journals. Members can choose the journals they wish to receive. Please note that activities and other society matters are communicated in Spirula and not in Basteria and Vita Malacologica. The membership fee depends on the journals you wish to receive and the country of the delivery address.

The membership fees are given in this PDF.

How to pay your fee

Prices are all-inclusive. If you pay after January 1st and before March 1st, you will receive a discount of € 5,00. PLEASE always state your membership number plus the code of your preferred subscription with the payment. You can find your membership number next to your name on the envelope label. A subscription to Basteria does not automatically include Spirula (as was the case in the past). If you want to receive both journals, please subscribe for Spirula+Basteria.

Subscriptions are continued automatically. If you wish to cancel, or to change the preferred subscription (the journals you receive), please send a message to the membership administration.

We do not send invoices. Please arrange your payment preferably via bank: IBAN NL69INGB0000288032; BIC/SWIFT: INGBL2A, subject Nederlandse Malacolgische Vereniging. The bank  name is ING-bank, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Payment through PayPal is possible, though not preferred. Please use the new e-mail address:

Payment by credit card is no longer possible. We do not accept cheques.

How to subscribe

If you want to become a member of NMV or if you want to subscribe to our
1. please pay the fee and
2. then fill in the form below …




    Zip code:




    In addition to your membership you can choose one or more journals. Please indicate your choice below:

    SpirulaBasteriaVita Malacologica

    I paid my membership fee by:

    BankPay Pal

    I give permission to put my name on the NMV membership list, which will be distributed to NMV members only (please make a choice)

    ….. or send an email with your name, postal address, email address, phone number, the journal(s) you want to receive, the way you have paid your membership fee and the amount you paid to the NMV membership administration.

    How to change your subscription

    The membership administration is carried out by the NMV Secretariat. If you want to change the preferred subscription (the journals you receive), or if your postal address or email address changes, please contact the NMV membership administration.

    Contact address

    Sylvia van Leeuwen (secretary NMV)
    Van der Helstlaan 19
    3723 EV Bilthoven
    The Netherlands
    +31 30 2210613